The InnoEnergy Repository is your place to create and/or share learning material. You can find material
created by other InnoEnergy partners as well as re-use and customize everything for your own needs.
Share or keep it for yourself, we have a variety of IPR options described below. Some of the
advantages of using the repository instead of other tools are:
Work together with colleagues and experts outside your own organization
Pedagogical templates for advanced learning materials
Manage IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
Use any learning platform. Integration and single sign-on makes it easy to run the same
course at several Universities och Companies at the same time.
Open for all teachers active in the InnoEnergy Master programmes. The learning material you
create in this tool can easily be integrated into your Learning Platform.
If you have any questions or want to apply for an account, contact:,
+46 8 236 700.
The InnoEnergy Repository is hosted by InnoEnergy.
Here are our partners:
What is the difference between a repository and a Learning Management System?
The InnoEnergy Repository is based on Learnify Technology
Shared within InnoEnergy Master School. The material can only be viewed by other teachers at
the partner Universities that has access to the repository and the students that have received
links to the material from those teachers
You need a separate agreement with InnoEnergy regarding which commercial rules are applicable.